Publications & Presentations

The SWEAP Team are leaders in program outcome evaluation and assessment in social work education. Check out our publications and conference presentations:


  • Krase, K., Delong Hamilton, T., & Sullivan, D. (2023). Knowledge Test Development for Use in Social Work Student Outcomes Assessment. Research on Social Work Practice, 0(0).
  • Krase, K., Delong Hamilton, T., Harris-Jackson, T., Gerritsen-McKane, R., Christenson, B., Sullivan, D., Danhoff, K., and Freedman, D., (2021). Exploring correlates of implicit curriculum for accreditation outcomes evaluation: Results of student evaluations. Social Work Education: The International Journal.
  • Sullivan, D.J., Danhoff, K., Christenson, B., Gerritsen-McKane, R., DeLong Hamilton, T., Krase, K., & Harris-Jackson, T., (2021). Evaluating student outcomes in field education through a standardized instrument: The Updated Field Practicum Placement Assessment Instrument (SWEAP 2015 FPPAI). Field Educator, Volume 10.2 .LINKED HERE
  • Sullivan, D., Krase, K., Delong Hamilton, T., Christenson, B., Danhoff, K., Gerritsen-McKane and Harris-Jackson, T. (2020). Setting appropriate competency benchmarks to support successful social work program assessment. Social Work Education: The International Journal,
  • Christenson, B, Krase, K.S., Panos, P., DeLong-Hamilton, T.A., Buchan, V., Farrel, D., Gerritsen-McKane, R., Harris-Jackson, T. & Rodenhiser, R. (2015). Evaluating social work education outcomes: The SWEAP Field Practicum Placement Assessment Instrument (FPPAI). Field Educator. 5.1 (Spring 2015).
  • DeLong-Hamilton, T., Buchan, V. V., Hull, G. H., Christenson, B., Gerritsen-McKane, R., Rodenhiser, R. W., & Smith, M. L. (2011) Responding to the 2008 EPAS: Baccalaureate education assessment direct and indirect measurement. Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work 16(1), 17-31.
  • DeLong Hamilton, T. (2009). Bachelor social work students’ ratings of social work skills and advising experience: An analysis of the National Baccalaureate Educational Assessment Package (BEAP) Exit Survey data (Doctoral dissertation). Colorado State University.
  • Rodenhiser, R., Buchan, V., Hull, G., Smith, M., Pike, C. & Rogers, J. (2007). Assessment of Social Work Program Outcomes: The Baccalaureate Educational Assessment Project. Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work. 13, 100-114.
  • Buchan,V., Rodenhiser,R., Hull,G., Smith, M., Rogers, J., Pike, C., and Ray, J. (2004). “Evaluating an Assessment Tool for Undergraduate Social Work Education: Analysis of the Baccalaureate Educational Assessment Package” Journal of Social Work Education 40.2: 239-253.



  • DeLong Hamilton, T., Krase, K., & Meza, J. (2024, Mar.). Creating an ADEI Instrument for CSWE, EPAS 2022 Standards. The Baccalaureate Program Directors Annual Conference: New Orleans, LA. SLIDES AVAILABLE HERE
  • DeLong Hamilton, T., Krase, K., & Sullivan, D. (2023, Mar.). Meeting updated assessment requirements under CSWE EPAS 2022: A case study. The Baccalaureate Program Directors Annual Conference: Birmingham, AL. SLIDES AVAILABLE HERE

  • DeLong Hamilton, T., Krase, K., & Sullivan, D. (2023, Apr.). Meeting updated assessment requirements under CSWE EPAS 2022: A case study. Social Work Distance Education Conference.

  • DeLong Hamilton, T., Krase, K., & Sullivan, D. (2021, Nov). Critical conversations about race in the development of
    standardized student outcome measures. The Council on Social Work Education Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.
  • DeLong Hamilton, T., Krase, K., Sullivan, D., Christenson, B., Danhoff, K., & Gerritsen-McKane, R. (2020, Nov.). Crucial conversations about assessment: Evaluating the implicit curriculum. The Council on Social Work Education Annual Meeting. (Accepted)
  • DeLong Hamilton, T., Krase, K., Sullivan, D., Christenson, B., Danhoff, K., & Gerritsen-McKane, R. (2020, Nov.). Crucial conversations about assessment: Evaluating the implicit curriculum. The Council on Social Work Education Annual Meeting. (Accepted)


  • Gerritsen-McKane, R., Danhoff, K., Krase, K., Christenson, B., DeLong Hamilton, T., Harris-Jackson, T., & Sullivan, D. (2020, March). Beyond 2020: The future of assessment – Strengths of technology. The Baccalaureate Program Directors Annual Conference: Birmingham, AL (Accepted).


  • Danhoff, K., DeLong Hamilton, T., Sullivan, D., Christenson, B., Gerritsen-McKane, R., Harris-Jackson, T., & Krase, K. (2020, March). Using the SWEAP Exit Instrument to plan for future implicit curriculum assessment. The Baccalaureate Program Directors Annual Conference: Birmingham, AL (Accepted).


  • DeLong Hamilton, T., Krase, K., Christenson, B., Danhoff, K., Gerritsen-McKane, R., Harris-Jackson, T., Sullivan, D., & Aguilar, E. (2020, March). SWEAP: Technology Luncheon Presentation. The Baccalaureate Program Directors Annual Conference: Birmingham, AL(Accepted).

  • Danhoff, K., Gerritsen-McKane, R., & Freedman, D., Christenson, B., DeLong-Hamilton, T., Harris-Jackson, T., Krase, K., & Sullivan, D. (2019, March). Preparing Contemporary Professionals: Field Outcomes with a Standardized Tool.  The Baccalaureate Program Directors Annual Conference: Jacksonville, FL.
  • DeLong-Hamilton, T., Sullivan, D., Krase, K., Christenson, B., Danhoff, K., Freedman, D., Gerritsen-McKane, R., & Harris-Jackson, T. (2019, March). Advocating for Program Improvement: A Standardized Exam to Measure EPAS Competency Knowledge.  The Baccalaureate Program Directors Annual Conference: Jacksonville, FL.
  • Freedman, D., Harris-Jackson, T., Sullivan, D. DeLong-Hamilton, T., Krase, K., Christenson, B., Danhoff, K., & Gerritsen-McKane, R. (2019, March). Using outcomes from the SWEAP exit instrument to plan the implicit curriculum. The Baccalaureate Program Directors Annual Conference, Jacksonville, FL.
  • DeLong-Hamilton, T., Sullivan, D., Christenson, B.L., Danhoff, K., Freedman, D., Gerritsen-McKane, R., Harris-Jackson, T., & Krase, K. (2018, Nov.). Curriculum assessment: A standardized instrument to measure knowledge of the EPAS competencies. Council on Social Work Education Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.  FCAI APM Nov 2018
  • DeLong-Hamilton, T., Krase, K., Harris-Jackson, T., Christenson, B., Danhoff, K., Farrel, D., Freedman, D., Gerritsen-McKane, R., & Sullivan, D. (2018, March). Pre-conference workshop: Meeting the challenges of assessment: SWEAP standardized instruments for program evaluation. The Baccalaureate Program Directors Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
  • Sullivan, D., Harris-Jackson, T., Freedman, D., Christenson, B., Danhoff, K., DeLong-Hamilton, T., Farrel, D., Gerritsen-McKane, R., & Krase, K. (2018, March). Using conceptual frameworks to refine the implicit curriculum. The Baccalaureate Program Directors Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.  Building onto the Conceptual Understanding of the Implicit PP for 2018 BPD
  • Danhoff, K., Christenson, B., Gerrittsen-McKane, R., DeLong-Hamilton, T., Farrel, D., Freedman, D., Harris-Jackson, T., Krase, K. & Sullivan, D. (2018, March). Reporting on field practicum/placement assessment instrument in an instant: Competencies, behaviors and dimensions. The Baccalaureate Program Directors Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.  Field Presentation BPD 2018