Using a “Not Observed” Category on Field/Practicum Assessment Instruments

According to CSWE EPAS 2015 and 2022, when completing a final evaluation of a student at the end of their field placement/practicum, evaluators should not be using “not observed” as a choice.  Why?  

As the signature pedagogy of social work, field placement/practicum is the place where students demonstrate the culmination of knowledge and skill learned in their social work program.  In order to meet EPAS requirements, every student should be observed meeting all EPAS competencies.  Not observing a student indicates the student did not engage in an activity which means they did not meet the competency.  Therefore, in a final field evaluation of a student, “not observed” should never be an option on a standardized assessment instrument. The SWEAP Field Instrument does NOT include a “not observed” choice. 

However, this limitation does not apply when a social work program decides to complete mid-term field evaluations on their students.  Mid-term evaluations are a perfect opportunity to use the “not observed” category.  Letting students know that they have not demonstrated a skill during mid-point evaluations gives them the opportunity to learn the skill and demonstrate to their supervisors so that in the final evaluation, the “not observed,” turns into an appropriate scale score. If your program uses the SWEAP Field Instrument as a midterm/mid-placement evaluation you can have it customized to include a “not observed” choice. 

No matter which evaluation you use, make sure your social work program’s field/practicum final evaluation does NOT include a Not Observed choice. 


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